Thursday, June 12, 2008


So this is a company I've been working for since last December.  I wanted to let people know about my work here in Berkeley and promote this awesome company. I've been building prototypes, modeling, testing, shipping, and doing other odd jobs that Dan, the owner, comes up with.
I feel pretty stylin on my bike at night! Let alone safe from blind drivers!
Check out the website:


Sunday, June 08, 2008

Oakland Improv Collective

Check out the blog page that my performace group has. Oakland Improv Collective. I just had a performance last Friday and it went really really well. We had a great audience and it all went smoothly. The sculptor of the stautues that we danced with, Stephen DeStaebler, came. He seemed very greatful to have his art join with another art form to bring this empty and cold space in downtown Oakland come to life. Thanks to my friends who came to watch me perform. There should be some good pictures posted in the blog soon.


Monday, June 02, 2008

My Return

Sometimes, when life isn't going exactly the way you want, sharing with the world wide wibe isn't high on the priority list. I'm transitioning (word of the month) into new work and out of a relationship. I'm still in the angry phase, but not one tramautic event caused the seperration, just a long drawn out tension that was finally released. Work, electrical apprentiship, may start up sooner than I had feared. I'm back from vacation in Hawaii with my sister and an old friend of mine so having my new job start soon will be a relief from reliving the recent past over and over in my head. Sorry I'm being so roundabout with this conversation but it's still a sore subject and I want to come back to posting. With that taken care of...
I had a great relaxing trip to Oahu. Bonding with my sister Jackie and my childhood friend Malia and making a new friend Clara.

Beach+Camera+Malia's Mac=